[Subscription Plan] Course 1 - Signature Eclairs with Joakim Prat

 49.99 EUR paid every 12 months
 Full access to Course Player
  8 Signature Eclairs
 Video lessons + Course Book
 Access to new course updates
 Pastry Community

Subscription for Course 1
Signature Eclairs with Joakim Prat

You will get:

  • Full access to Course Player with Course 1 - Signature Eclairs with Joakim Prat (8 eclairs);
  • Updated Video Lessons;
  • PDF Course Book and learning materials;
  • Pastry Community;
  • Audio, Text + Support in English;
  • Possibility to obtain the Training Certificate*.
*Automatically renews every 12 months.
*You can cancel anytime by giving us an email at online@icephotelschool.com
*To obtain the Training Certificate you need to complete your Practical Guided Learning Plan (submit a minimum of 2 Practical Assignments).