, It's great to have you with us for theVegan Gluten-Free Pastry Online MasterClass

To get the best value out of our Online MasterClasses,
it's important to organise well. We invite you to follow the steps below.
So let the pastry journey begin :)
Write your awesome label here.
Access your Course Player and start learning.
Resource Centre:
Pre-Recorded Video Lessons:
Join ICEP Community
The International Pastry Community is a wonderful addition to your learning experience and it enables you to:
- easily DISCUSS different topics and ASK QUESTIONS related to your course;
- Follow Topics you are interested in;
- Track Instructor Evaluation and Feedback;
- Network with other pastry passionates and professionals all over the world!
To get access to the Community, you need to CREATE ACCOUNT and Request to JOIN the Group you would like to start with.
Write your awesome label here.
Upcoming Events | Course Release
Minimum requirements to attend the Live Webinar:
You need to complete the following Learning Units:
You need to complete the following Learning Units:
1. Resource Centre [Course Book]
2. Ingredient Understanding Section
3. Basic Recipe Section
4. Introductory Webinar Recordings
5. Ingredient Replacing Section.
Please have in mind, if you haven't completed these sections, you will not be able to attend.
Please have in mind, if you haven't completed these sections, you will not be able to attend.
Click on the JOIN LIVE SESSION Button and you will be redirected to your Course Player, from where you will be able to access it.
Please note, that Live Session will open 15 minutes before the start date, so you will not be able to join earlier.
Also, please make sure:
You have good internet connection;
You have allocated approximately 2 hours for this session without interruptions [as we would like to address all questions - the length of the Webinar will depend on the number of questions submitted];
For optimal experience, we recommend accessing your Live Zoom Webinar from your PC or tablet.
During the Webinar we will have open the Chat option, where you will be able to communicate with us.
In case you are not able to attend, you can watch the webinar recordings uploaded in the Webinar Section of your Course Player.
Write your awesome label here.
Get ready for Practical Assignments
Here is our welcome gift
Get 10% OFF for first order in our Online Shop :)
Step 4:
Start Practical Guided Learning
Duration: 6 weeks
We believe the best learning experience is a well designed balance between theory and practice. With this in mind, we have created the Practical Guided Learning Plan that consist of 6 weeks of guided learning.
To give you also flexibility and time to organise the best way possible, you can choose WHEN TO START your 6 weeks Practical Guided Learning.
To give you also flexibility and time to organise the best way possible, you can choose WHEN TO START your 6 weeks Practical Guided Learning.
During the 6 weeks of Guided Learning, you will benefit of:
Practical Assignments
The opportunity to reproduce from 3 to 5 cakes from the program in your own kitchen following our guidelines and step-by-step instructions.
Practical Assignments are submitted in the ICEP Community Platform.
You will submit a short description with:
Steps in making the product (steps you followed);
Challenges encountered while making the recipes;
Self-Evaluation of your results: defects, causes and remedies (how you think you could improve the result);
And upload photos or videos with your product to showcase:
Whole product;
Product in section [cut].
Practical Assignments are submitted in the ICEP Community Platform.
You will submit a short description with:
Steps in making the product (steps you followed);
Challenges encountered while making the recipes;
Self-Evaluation of your results: defects, causes and remedies (how you think you could improve the result);
And upload photos or videos with your product to showcase:
Whole product;
Product in section [cut].
Feedback. Evaluation of your work
You will receive constant feedback from Chef and ICEP Team helping you to progress.
Get your Training Certificate
Upon completion of the Learning Activities and the 6 weeks Practical Guided Learning Plan
you will be rewarded with our digital
Training Certificate
Chef RICHARD HAWKEYou will be able to download the Certificatefrom your account. -

If you need any help, we are just one click away.
Happy learning :)
Frequently Asked Questions
About Course Concept
Our Recommendations.
Enrolment. Payment. Invoicing.