Dear ,Welcome to the Signature Eclairs
Online MasterClass
with Joakim Prat
Online MasterClass
with Joakim Prat
Registration Form
Signature Eclairs with Joakim Prat
Online MasterClass | Course 2
Signature Eclairs with Joakim Prat
Online MasterClass | Course 2
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The information in this page is being processed and encrypted securely using industry-leading encryption and fraud prevention tools.
To get the best value out of our Online MasterClasses,
it's important to organise well. We invite you to follow the steps below.
So let the pastry journey begin :)
Access your Course Player and start learning.
Resource Centre:
Pre-Recorded Video Lessons:
Pastry Community
The Pastry Community is a wonderful addition to your learning experience and it enables you to:
- easily DISCUSS different topics and ASK QUESTIONS related to your course;
- Follow Topics you are interested in;
- Track Instructor Evaluation and Feedback;
- Network with other pastry passionates and professionals all over the world!
Get ready for Practical Assignments
Step 3:
Start Practical Guided Learning
We believe the best learning experience is a well designed balance between theory and practice.
Practical Assignments
Reproduce from 2 to 8 eclairs from the program in your own kitchen following our guidelines and step-by-step instructions and share your work as Practical Assignments in the Pastry Community.
Submit a short description with:
Steps in making the product (steps you followed);
Challenges encountered while making the recipes;
Self-Evaluation of your results: defects, causes and remedies (how you think you could improve the result);
And upload photos or videos with your product to showcase:
Whole product;
Product in section [cut].
Submit a short description with:
Steps in making the product (steps you followed);
Challenges encountered while making the recipes;
Self-Evaluation of your results: defects, causes and remedies (how you think you could improve the result);
And upload photos or videos with your product to showcase:
Whole product;
Product in section [cut].
Feedback. Evaluation of your work
You will receive constant feedback from Chef and ICEP Team helping you to progress.
Here is our welcome gift
Get 10% OFF for first order in our Online Shop :)
Get your Training Certificate
Upon completion of the Learning Activities and Practical Assignments
you will be rewarded with our digital
Training Certificate.You will be able to download the Certificatefrom your account. -